Thursday, January 28, 2010


My lovely daughter Alex introduced me to Etsy just under a year ago.  My kids would often say "you oughta open a shop mum!" 

I laugh out loud when I watch the iconic Aussie movie "The Castle" which has this exact line in it!  Do all Aussie kids say this to their arty crafty mums?

Aussies are amazingly talented in every way and Etsy is enhanced by the numerous Aussies that display their wares ~  I will be dedicating a post to two Aussie Etsians weekly where a brief profile and display of their creative talent will be highlighted for all to see.

Any Aussies who sell on Etsy can feel free to leave a comment and their etsy or blog addy and I will choose three each week to showcase from Friday to Friday as well as add to a blog roll over time.


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