Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Handmade Artist Forum ~ Artist of the Week

It's Me!!  It's Me!!  It's Me!!

Many of the wonderful artisans on the
Handmade Artist Forum
have included my Artshus by Violet blog
on their blog this week.
I am overwhelmed that I have been chosen
for this gracious gift and have been humbled
by many of the beautiful comments
about my artwork and bloggy.

Here are just some of the posts they have written


  1. Hi Violet, just wanted you to know I've nominated your blog for a Sunshine Award. Details are on my blog: ;)

  2. I was going to nominate you for the award too, but it looks like NaLa beat me to it! Congratulations!

  3. Hi Violet-Third times the charm, I guess. I had nominated you as well for the Sunshine Award! =)

  4. Because you have a great blog to read, and your unending support of handmade, I am passing on this Sunshine Blog Award to your blog. The link will give you info that you will need. Congratulations!



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